Yijun Wang

CSer & NLPer.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.


I'm currenlty a postgraduate student of computer science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). I'm working in SJTU-ThinkLab & ECNU-AntNLP and supervised by Prof. Junchi Yan & Prof. Yuanbin Wu. I obtained my bachelor degree of computer science at East China Normal University (ECNU) in 2019.

My research interests mainly lie in deep learning for Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly, extracting structured information from free text (Information Extraction, IE) and pre-trained language models.

Publications [Google Scholar]


Bytedance AI Lab, Shanghai, China (Apr.2021 – Jan.2022)
Research Intern, MLNLC Group, Mentor: Changzhi Sun and Hao Zhou.
Tencent PCG, Shanghai, China (Nov.2020 – Mar.2021)
Development Intern, Data Platform Center Group.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (Sept.2019 – Present)
Master, Computer Science (CS).
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (Sept.2015 – Jun.2019)
Bachelor, Computer Science (CS).


NERE [github]
  • Universal IO Toolkit and Neural Modules for Entity Relation Extraction.
DP3 [github]
  • A Toolkit for Statistic Point Process and Neural Point Process.

Selected Awards